News Type: Local Information

BUH BYE Orange Bowl

With the grand opening of the new Miami Marlins stadium, I can’t help but reminisce about our dear old Orange Bowl.  I wanted to bring back this article I wrote back in October of 2007.  If…

Miamism SHOWCASES: The Flower Bar

At Miamism we showcase businesses that we believe in and offer products that match our readers’ needs, that would be you.  As a full upfront disclosure, we don’t get paid for this or get any type…

Miami Summer Camps 2012

Summer 2012 is almost upon us and it’s time to make summer camp plans Miami!! I do ask you one favor though – please don’t call me to make reservations or get information – call the…

Arteamericas 2012

March 2-5th 2012 in The Miami Beach Convention Center. Arteaméricas is the premier fair of art from Latin America. Returning for its tenth installment in 2012, it will showcase the latest trends in paintings, sculpture and…

Miamism Fridays – Miami Heat Mural

If you are not in awe of the talent evident in murals around Miami, it’s time to check for a pulse.  Take this Miami Heat mural, for example, by Serge Toussaint, one of the thousands left…

Art Basel Miami Beach 2011

Art Basel is upon us once again! Can you believe this will be the 10th year Miami “hosts” this event?  I don’t know if it gets bigger each year or if I just get more and…

Miamism Fridays – Art Basel vs Wall Street

“GIVE A WALL ST. BANKER ENOUGH ROPE AND HE WILL HANG HIMSELF” New Wynwood Mural by artist “Above” can now be seen from I-95.  We’re talking a 255-ft. wide mural, stretching a whole city block, on…

Miami Music Video – Palo

We need to share the music of our good friends from the band Palo!  They play Afro-Cuban Funk, the type of music that makes you want to get up and dance.  The keyboard player and producer,…

Miami Country Day Walk for Cancer – October 22, 2011

The Miami Country Day Walk for Cancer is tomorrow, Saturday, October 22, 2011.  Bring the whole family and enjoy the beautiful day, especially since it stopped raining.  Miami Country Day’s Walk for Cancer has become a…

New World Symphony Kicks off their new Season

Just when I thought that there was nothing new The New World Symphony could offer, to someone that’s un-classical-music-inclined like me, they totally blow it out of the park.  The season kickoff was this past Saturday…

Miamism Fridays – 4th of July Weekend 2011

This image just says WOW to me….but maybe it’s because Miami’s landscape takes my breath away.  Hats of to dropthemedicine on Flickr for capturing such an amazing shot. ….another Miamism !! And because it is 4th…

Que esta pasando en Miami? Mayo 6-8, 2011

Que esta pasando en Miami? Segmento de MEGA 94.9 en La Jungla de La Mañana con El Gato y Patty BEATS AFTER SUNSET en El Museo Bass en Miami Beach (2100 Collins Av) :  Viernes 6…

Miami Summer Camps 2011

  It’s already May and the pressure is on to sign up to summer camps quickly because they do fill up!!  Don’t know about you, but I always find this process extremely stressful, it’s not as…