News Type: For REALTORS

Demographics and your Real Estate site

I have to confess that ever since I became a Realtor, I was missing the “creative” aspect of being an architect and I have finally found it with marketing. To think that my static website just…

Real Estate for Foreign Nationals

  Let’s Make It Happen! I guess I asked for it, but now I am stumped. Back in December I wrote about multi-cultural blogging and going into untapped blogging territory by writing in a different language.…

Walk in their Shoes

In order to understand real estate sellers today, it’s important to walk in their shoes to get their perspective of the process. I know most of the people reading real estate blogs will already go above…

Commission justification?

There’s a post on Active Rain right now that is getting bombarded by the people at housing panic. The post is about an agent that will not cut her commission and the comments are worth taking…

Is your on-line reputation being smeared?

For those of you that know me, you know that I’m as non-geek as they get. But fortunately for me, I am surrounded by very patient and smart people who take the time to teach me…

Real Estate Videos 101

I was Twittering away when Jeff Turner mentioned Into and I HAD to share this with you. I’ve been dying to do real estate videos but I am petrified because first, I don’t know what…

Hello!!! Answer the phone!

RING….RING……..Remember that sound? To think that we talk about web2.0 here on a daily basis and make fun (sometimes) of going back to the very basics to improve or make our business grow and we can’t…

Using other listings for leverage

One of our listings was used as leverage by another agent. I know we all have our techniques for selling real estate, but do you push your own listings to buyer customers by showing them other…

Black Sheep Realtor

I was recently organizing a progressive brokers open house for a listing of ours and I had a great discussion with one of the participating agents. Let me explain how I plan these progressive brokers opens.…

Not Another Social Network!

It’s funny how our reactions have changed from a few months ago when we receive an invitation to a new social network. I had to share this with you because I am still laughing, but I…

Is there an “L” on my forehead?

I showed 3 properties yesterday to buyer customers who have been looking for some time, are in no rush to buy and know they have the upper hand in this market. These customers are professionals, they…

Another cool tool to add to the list

I’m not known as a gadget person, and certainly don’t consider myself a techie……on the contrary, I can be technically challenged at times, but I AM determined (or Rick may call it stubborn). Have you seen…

Will you like $25 million to go with that salad?

  Enough is enough, I have Lechuga and Hollow up to my eyeballs already! (this of course is only my opinion). Because I’m in Miami, every other local blogger is writing about the lawsuit and with…

Stop the tricks and get real!

Before I start this, I want to tell you that I am not, in any which way or form, criticizing my broker. But I wanted to share an e-mail that I received today that left me…